This is one of my new creation which is the Student Management System using the PHP language. This is our project during our System and Analysis and Design. Together with my group Ms. Shinette V. Jamora, Mr. Dave Angelo Gutierrez and myself made and design the concept of this system. Here is a sample login design of the system.

We also choose to have the mySql database to be the back-end database of the system. As of now we are trying to make the design of the system to be compatible with different types of browser including the IE8. Actually the design is currently under testing stage.
We also use jQuery in this system, CSS also and a little bit of scripting languages. In making and coding also we use our own coding standard we create a mini MVC or Model View Controller framework in order for us to make the coding more easier and faster, because we only have 2 months to finish this including already the planning, designing, data gathering, testing and debugging and then the final defense for the finale.
Home interface is being shown below: