How to configuring fastethernet interface

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 · Posted in

If you want to demonstrate on how to configure a router in the Packet Tracer and then you can configure the router through its CLI or the Command Line Interface. Here are some image that can help you.

In this topology there are 4 networks that you can see which is the network,,, This are the 4 networks in the topology.

1st if you want to enable your default gateway on network and then you have to configure first the FastEthernet in Router1.

Here are some of the code:

router>ena // it allows you to enter the privileged mode
router#config t //it is short for configure terminal
router(config)#int fa0/0 // this allow you to configure the fastethernet
router(config-if)#ip add // it allows you to enter the ip add

For the serial to be followed......

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