I was so very happy for today it is because, I learn something from our orientation a while ago about how to use the Fire Extinguisher and about the Basic First Aid. Well, sad to say only the Fire Extinguisher is the orientation I made to attend because, my boss told me to make some certificate for the speaker in our orientation and after the orientation I really get mad and I was so disgusted of what happen a while ago, because my fellow working student give me madness. I know that he know that, that I don't want waiting except for those things that really need to wait. But calling in phone? Oh my God, so embarrassing. But still I just want to for get this day and face the tomorrow, because I know that if I am going to keep this anger inside of me and then it could not bring me any good right? so forgive and forget is the only way to make a relationship more stronger.
Archive for March 2009
How to Insert Image in HTML using CSS
Friday, March 27, 2009
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This is a tutorial about on how to inserting an image in HTML by using the CSS or the Cascading Style Sheet, most web programmers are using CSS in creating their websites. To begin with follow the steps that I provide for you below.
1. Make a directory/folder name myfirstcss.
2. Look for an image which you were going to use for this activity.
3. After creating the directory and looking for image. Open your text editor and create a file titled first_activity.html.
4. Next, create another file name style.css. This is were we are going to put all our css later.
5. You may now start. just try to follow the code given below.
<title>your title goes heretitle>
<link rel="text/css" type="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<div id="image">div>
Sample Output:

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New Cover Design
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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Well Today, I finally made again a new design for our handbook cover, I really enjoy making this cover, why? it is because it can help me to enhance my knowledge in designing, especially now that I don't know how to match colors. Actually, my boss told me that I will be the one to design the cover it is because there are nobody could make a design for the handbook, because all the the staffs are so busy so I volunteer to make the design and thanks to God because, they like my design.

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