What is Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)?

Tuesday, May 05, 2009 · Posted in

Have you ever thought about what a web page is? Actually there are 3 Layer part of the web page and than are the Content, Presentation and its behavior.

Content Layer is always present in a web page actually. It comprises the information the author wishes to convey to his or her audience or readers and is embedded within the HTML or the Hypertext Mark-up Language or either the XHTML that defines its structure and semantics. As we can see in all the web pages today most of the content of it is text but some of the content can also be images, animations, videos, sound and etc.

Presentation Layer it defines how the content will appear to a human being who access the document in one way or another. The conventional way to view web pages is with a regular web browser.

There are also advantage in using the CSS from the traditional HTML because in CSS we can modify or replace any of the layers without having to change the others an styling can be kept entirely separate from the content also the most important is that the CSS also provides more and far control over presentation than do presentational elements types of HTML.

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