IF statement if PHP
PHP Array
This is one of the most questions that can be seen over the internet among programmers. We can't deny the fact that array is one of the easiest and fastest way in programming. PHP for array is one of the best topic and idea that a programmer must have to know. This is because, array is one of simplest and easier way to implement use system or website rather. It also enable your system to load faster and process all the data faster compare to manually declaring all variables and values. You can really appreciate array especially in big systems development. If you want to know more about PHP for array or PHP array or want some sample programs just try to click the given link in this article and you will be redirected to the site. Thank you.
What is programming c?
Different questions appeared over the internet about on how to program with C. C is one of the most important and one of the foundation of computer programming. Unix operating system is one of the system that been created by the use of C. How to program with C is one of the very common questions among students and even some professionals. Because as we all know, in C we can able to learn the basic about programming. For us, in school, our mentors teach us more about C for us to be able to use them when we were in the higher level of using programming languages.
For us to know how to program with C we must have first to have a realiable souce or reference. So that as we go on with our study or learning there must be a backup that can enable to support all our idea. For me I have reference for my study and this is the Online Programming Tutorials weblog. This provides articles and tutorials of diffrent languages such as Java, PHP, Coldfusion, Javascript and etc., I can really recommend this weblog to you because, it really provides and gives important and helpful facts about programming. So try to visit now this site by just simply clicking the link given in this article.
Add image to Java – Jframe
Google Ebooks
Scrubs made of high quality fabric
Accesories, jackets, scrubs pants, uniform, nursing uniforms, scrub tops, nursing scrubs and etc., are what men and women loves. They said age does not matter when it comes to fashion. Everyone loves fashion whether you are a man or woman or even children can also have their own fashion in fact. Yes, this is what we are looking for but the problems are where to buy cheap scrubs this items in just a cheap price and most of all we can assure of its quality. It is better that we have to choose the best store where we can purchase this item which has a good quality and can be use for a long period of time.
There is a site that offer and sale different type of scrubs from scrubs to uniform. Best suite for male or female, young or old. You can checkout or visit the website by just simply clicking the link given in this article and you will be redirected to their site. I can assure you that they made scrubs with high quality because, their scrubd are made with high quality fabric. So try now and inquire about their services and item offered for only low prices which can help you save money. Try to visit their site by simply clicking this link, http://www.blueskyscrubs.com/categories/Scrubs/Scrubs-for-Women/ God bless and thank you.
How to declare variable in Coldfusion
In this tutorial, we will know the basic of how to declare a variable using Coldfusion web programming language. One of the first step in learning Coldfusion is to know on how to declare its variable and what are the syntax to avoid error in execution of the program.
Sample Declaration:
#firstname# = “John larry”;
#middlename# = “Abellanosa”;
#lastname# = “Limbo”;
This is the basic on how to declare a variable in Coldusion (CFM). Coldfusion uses the number sign (#) to declare its variable. In declaring variable in Coldfusion do not for get to put the number sign (#) in the beginning ang in the end to avoid syntax error.
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How to add two numbers using PHP
<title>Title goes here</title>
<form action="" method="post">
<label>Enter Num1:</label>
<input type="text" name="num1" /><br>
<label>Enter Num2:</label>
<input type="text" name="num2" /><br><br>
<input type="submit" name="btn_submit" value="Add">
$num1 = $_POST['num1'];
$num2 = $_POST['num2'];
$total = $num1+$num2;
echo "The total value is: ".$total;

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How to declare a variable in PHP
It is one of the most common error of a programmer in PHP which is on how to declare a variable. Every programming language recquires varaiable declaration because variables are being use to store your temporary data. Sometimes programmers for got and sometimes failed to declare a variable in which it causes an error to their programs. The dollar sign symbol ($) uses to declare a variable in PHP. In other web programming language such as Coldfusion it uses double number sign (##). For PHP case $ is the only one that being use to declare a variable and no other than. Below is the sample of variable declaration and together with its output.
PHP Code:
$firstname = "John Larry Limbo";
$middlename = "Abellanosa";
$lastname = "Limbo";
echo "My firstname is: ".$firstname."<br/>";
echo "My middlename is: ".$middlename."<br/>";
echo "My lastname is: ".$lastname;
Dont for get to put the php opening ang closing tags before you run the code cause it might cause an error on your program. As you notice I use dot(.) on my code. The function of this dot is to concatenate the string “ My firstname is: ” with the value of the variable $firstname and same with the other. Observe carefully the ouput below or you may try it with your own. Just send me a comment if the code does not run or it returns an error.
Sample ouput:
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Moodle 2.0 Customizing - ELMS

Student Management System - PHP
This is one of my new creation which is the Student Management System using the PHP language. This is our project during our System and Analysis and Design. Together with my group Ms. Shinette V. Jamora, Mr. Dave Angelo Gutierrez and myself made and design the concept of this system. Here is a sample login design of the system.

We also choose to have the mySql database to be the back-end database of the system. As of now we are trying to make the design of the system to be compatible with different types of browser including the IE8. Actually the design is currently under testing stage.
We also use jQuery in this system, CSS also and a little bit of scripting languages. In making and coding also we use our own coding standard we create a mini MVC or Model View Controller framework in order for us to make the coding more easier and faster, because we only have 2 months to finish this including already the planning, designing, data gathering, testing and debugging and then the final defense for the finale.
Home interface is being shown below: